Monday, March 31, 2014

What is Fear? Why do we have Fear?

Fear is an emotion that comes from having no understanding of something, which in some cases leads to hate.

It is very common for people to have a fear of the unknown. We do not understand the unknown, whatever it maybe, and because we do not understand the unknown and are unsure of how to get through it, we fear the unknown and try to avoid it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Class take away 9

What stood out to me in class today was the instructor's outfit and how it tied into her personality. When I first had Beth as an instructor in photoshop, I thought she would be the same old instructor like all the other instructors I have had in the past. When I got to know her a bit more throughout the classes I have had her as an instructor, I began seeing a fun outgoing person. The purple and green outfit she was wearing Monday, expressed how outgoing, bold, and daring she is. She kind of looked like a witch to me. A witch whom's power comes from the earth. I could see her shooting vines out from under her sleeves, and growing other kinds of plants out of the ground to grab hold of an attacker and throw them cross-country. Thanks Beth, you have got my creative juices flowing with your awesome outfit ^.^ Why my instructor's outfit stood out to me the most in class Monday is because she reminded me of how I usually try to dress to my personality. I love wearing a lot of black, and I am most happy when I am wearing black with spikes and studs like the 80s/90s alternative goth style. I have not dressed like that since I graduated high school and was a freshman at IUPUI. I think I will be dressing like that again because it did make me very happy.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Who am I and Why am I here?

I am a creative, passionate, out going person who always has her head in the clouds. I am heavy into hobbies. My hobbies include drawing, painting, listening to music, and horses. I love horses. Brushing horses, riding horses, driving horses, showing horses, even the smell of horses; not what comes out of a horse. You put your nose to the neck of a horse, and you will know what I mean when I say horses smell good.

I believe my purpose is animals, and that has not changed since I was little. It is hard for me to explain, but I feel I have a connection with animals. I am not sure exactly what my purpose with animals is, but I feel I have duty to serve animals. It has been a dream of mine to help animals. I wanted to become a veterinarian, but things did not work out as planned. I still feel I am supposed to help animals, but I do not know for sure in what way I am supposed to accomplish that. I do not mean to sound like those psychic people or animal whisperers or anything like that, but I find myself most happy around animals, and when I help an animal, I feel even better. On occasion stray dogs would roam around my neighborhood. I felt terrible if I left them to fend for themselves because I always thought of the dog possibly never making it home due to all of the dangers; i.e. traffic, people stealing dogs for wrongful purposes, etc. I was usually able to catch the dogs because they would walk up to me looking for food, as sign they had an owner. I would then go door to door around the neighborhood looking for its owner or any information that could lead me to its owner. If I could not find the owner, I knew some one who would take care of the dog until the owner could be reached. There was a time a stray cat would come around our house. Granted being that it was a cat, I figured it had an owner, and was just let outside, like most cats, to roam the neighborhood then return home safe and sound, but the stray cat started hanging around our house, and she was pregnant. The first time I had seen her, I had tossed her a piece of my moon pie so I could pet her. A few months later I saw her I pet her. I did not have any food to give her, but she came right up to me. About a year later, I saw her again, and I took her door to door to try to find the owner. I got some information on where she lived, but I could not find the address, and had no way of contacting them by phone. When she started hanging around our house we decided to keep her. I found out later that year that a fellow student waiting on the bus stop with me owned the cat. He could not keep her because his mother was allergic to cat dander. I had him come over and visit the cat whom we called Princess, he called Precious, thus we called her Precious Princess, until he and his family moved. They were happy to know that their cat had found a good home. Princess passed away eleven years later, but she lived a good cat life. I feel my biggest accomplishment was working with Maverick, a horse I started training after I graduated high school and could not show in 4H horse and pony anymore. I used to show Vennie in the 4H horse and pony shows. His full name was Ventana Ojo (the "j" is has a "h" sound). Vennie taught me a lot about horses, and his owners taught me how to work with horses. Maverick was a mustang that was given to Vennie's owners because Maverick's owner could not give Maverick the attention he needed. I started working with Maverick about a year or two after I graduated. I could not work with him sooner because I was still showing Vennie in 4H horse shows. Maverick was a Bureau Land Management mustang, meaning he was caught in one of the BLM's round ups and put up for adoption. After being caught, Maverick was sent to a prison where inmates work with the wild horses before the horses are put up for adoption. I trained Maverick as though he had no training. I was not sure what all he knew and what he had yet to learn, so I worked with him one step at a time, teaching him the basics. I needed to build my confidence to ride him because I was very unsure of him. So we did ground work for about a year before I started putting a saddle on him. The following year, I started putting a saddle on him so he could get used to the noise and weight of something behind him and on his back. Three months later, I was sitting in the saddle and a week later, my sister would pony him around the barn lot as I sat in the saddle. Maverick never bucked once, and never tried to hurt me. I was given ownership to Maverick a year later. I was still building my confidence in riding Maverick without some one ponying him around, and before the end of the next year, I was riding Maverick at a walk and a trot with confidence. Maverick would follow me a lot, and when he was uncertain of something, he would hide behind me. I was his human shield and his confidence builder as he was my confidence builder. I was hoping to one day take him on a trail ride, but he had been having health problems on and off the two almost three years I owned him. His COPD had gotten worse and his white blood cell count was not at a normal level, which left the suspect of cancer. Maverick was a really great horse, and it was very hard to let him go. I could not bear to watch him suffer, and when he had shown signs that he was ready to go, I had to let him go. My best friend was laid to rest September last year. To this day I still cry when I think of him, but I know out there some where there is another Maverick waiting for me. My plan in the future is get another mustang and train it like I trained Maverick.

This is Maverick.
We had shown in an open horse show,
and received third place out of the nine 
contestants in that class. I love this picture of
him because he looks as proud as me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Class take away 8

The pickers as individuals stood out me when we watched a film about pickers in a region of Brazil. I didn't know that there were people who would actually "pick" through the trash in a landfill to obtain recyclable materials. I found it very fascinating that there are people willing to risk their health to collect things that can be recycled from the trash. I also found it kind of disgusting because of all the disgusting things swimming around in the garbage. I like that one of the women had said that picking through the trash to retrieve recyclables and make money from it is better than getting involved in the drug trade or being a prostitute, and that it is very sad such beautiful girls around her age would fall into that kind of life when there are better things they can do. I like the older gentleman who sadly passed away from lung cancer after meeting the artist, Vik, because he was right. One can does mean a difference; the difference between how many of one can gets thrown away and left to pollute the earth, while the other however many ninety-nine cans get recycled. I recycle, but I also know that there is still a lot of material that is thrown away or littered and swept into our sewers eventually ending up where it shouldn't be. I always like searching out recycle trashcans before throwing my recyclable away, but since one recyclable can mean a difference, I'll just hold on to my water bottle, juice can, etc. until I get to place where I can recycle it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Class take away 7

In class yesterday we had watched a video of a 71 year old guy doing stuff you don't see your average 71 year old man doing. He was playing. He made a playground in his backyard, and invented some interesting looking roller skates. The wheels faced forward like all roller skates, but instead of a shoe with wheels attached, it was set up like mini skateboards on top of two wheels. What really stood out to me from the video was his message to play, "be the child that you were, and look at life with positivity." I like to look at the little things in life a lot when I'm feeling down. The first thing I look at when I'm feeling down is the sky. Watching the clouds go by is one of the most amazing things ever! I could sit for hours watching the sky change, and I feel better by the end of the day. As Beth had said in class about being bored means you have failed to see the beauty of the day, and to see the beauty of the day is to appreciate the little things we take for granted, I agree with that. There is so much beauty in this world that is overlooked because we are so good at focusing on the negative without thinking about the positive. She went on about how we forget to play because society teaches us that play is, in a way, unethical. It's sad that adults see play as something for only children. Play is for everybody. I love to play, which is why people think I'm strange or that something is mentally wrong with me. I have noticed that the people who see me that way are extremely depressed, stressed, and miserable. I also noticed that those people try to bring me down so I can be as miserable as they are, and many times they have succeeded in bringing me down. Then I go into my own world and play. In my opinion, to play is to explore, which I think the 71 year old man had said in the video as well. The more you play, the less you think about your incapabilities, and everything you do and want to do becomes capable of doing. I'm going to remember to play more, and ignore those who say playing is for kids, and ignore those who try to bring me down. I had seen the 71 year old man as being high on life; i.e. enjoying every minute of life and taking nothing for granted. I would like to be as fit as he is when I get that old. I am high on life, and want to continue to be because being high on life is what helps me see life as one of the most beautiful things in the world. It helps me imagine, which helps me create, and awesomeness happens.

Monday, March 3, 2014

"Altared" book of the self

As I watched the TED talk of Lucy Mcrae and her combining technology with the human body, my first thought was she's trying to turn herself into a robot or cyborg. Watching the video I saw more of an art than a human transforming into a robot. Her exploration of technology became a beautiful art, and I found it quite fascinating. I really liked the photo of her in the safety pens and tack needles. It's not something that I would do to myself because I'm not into doing such things, but it was still fascinating. I wouldn't exactly know how to go about merging a new media science project with my body. It would depend on what that project is. If I were trying to create a 3D world and immerse myself into that world wearing virtual clothing from that world, then yeah I can do that; it's called cosplay. What would be really cool is if you had to put on some 3D glasses to see the effects of birds or butterflies flying around the costume. That would be interesting.

Looking at the "what ifs..." of my classmates, I found a lot of similarities to my "what ifs..." I found the top most common what if of many of us to be burning the book we did not like and turning the ashes of the book into something or using the ashes as fertilizer. I also found a lot of picking and choosing selections from the book to turn into something such as a story or a phrase, and painting sections of the book was popular too. I've been trying to decide for the longest which idea of mine I want to go with, and so far I'm down to two ideas, which is painting parts of the book or selecting a few story problems and turning them into a full story. Some of what stood out to me from two of the three "what ifs..." posts from my classmate's was that they did want to burn the book and use the ashes to make something positive such as jewelry or fertilizer. It put me in the mind of a negative being turned into new life, which I found interesting. The "what ifs..." post that stood out the most to me of all three was about self-confidence. I have been in that situation before, and am still trying to fight my way out of it. I could relate to mostly everything that was in that post because I'm still working on myself to get out of that darkened area of life. I do my best to think positive about myself, and it works so much better when you hear positive things said to you about you from other people. Surrounding yourself with positive people who are willing to do anything in their power to remind you of how awesome you are and what you need to do to achieve your goals is the best thing in the world because they know how to push you to success. Never forget the naysayers either because they help you too. The naysayers are one of many challenges that you will face throughout life. They're there to teach you how strong of a person you really are, and keep you on your toes so you don't stray from the strength within you. You don't have to be physically strong because you're spiritually strong. The hardest thing we do to ourselves is doubt ourselves, and let the naysayers hurtful words and actions get under our skin. It's hard to stop doubting and easy to be pushed around when we doubt ourselves, but once we remind ourselves that we're awesome, nothing from those who hurt us can stop us from being awesome. I hope  the person who posted about having an issue with their self-confidence read this, because you're awesome, and never forget it. I think the reason we were to read each other's "what ifs..." was to see how much our ideas relate to one another, and to help us with our own ideas and refurbish our ideas into better ones, kind of like getting help from a teacher, but your getting assistance from a fellow student.

I am going to paint the front cover and see what takes off from there. What I expect this project to do for me is to help me be more creative and use up some of the paints I have lying around the house so I can get more paint and other art supplies to draw and make more paintings.